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December 2014 |
12/08/2014 |
Hello! Here at MorningPrint, we receive many amazing designs, and we really enjoy seeing the creative process the designers go through. We enjoy seeing the results received after we send these designs to print. We would like to share some of these creative designs with you to help inspire you as they have inspired us. |
Q : Please briefly tell us about you, your company, your products and services: |
A : I run a small studio in Chicago that specializes in visual design: mostly logos, web sites, and editorial work. |
Q : You have a very clean and simple design which is very effective, how did you arrive at this concept? |
A: Thanks! I actually just simplified my studio's branding. I wanted to do something with just the name, in bold but minimal typography. But I didn't want it to be SO minimal that it wasn't "special." I had been thinking about doing a foil stamp-which I've done for a couple clients through MorningPrint and then I noticed the embossing, which I'd somehow missed before! It was just the touch I was looking for, so I designed the card around being able to do that. |
Q : You have many orders with MorningPrint, all of which are on the Heavy Nouveau. How did you select this stock and what keeps you coming back for the same stock? |
A: Yes, I pretty much use that exclusively with you guys! I started designing business stationery back when there weren’t all the online printers-working with a traditional local printer using 1 to 3 spot colors on an uncoated stock. The explosion of online printing is great in a lot of ways, but options are limited and I miss the slightly-toothy uncoated stocks I used to spec with my local print shops. The Heavy Nouveau is my favorite option for getting back to that classic, tactile quality that I want for business stationery but still getting the benefits (cost, speed, and full-color) of online printing. |
Q : How has your experience with MorningPrint? Did you experience any difficulties when using MorningPrint.com, or find anything to be inconvenient or inefficient? |
A: It’s site and the service has always worked really well. My only unusual experience this time was that I contacted Laura in your service department this time because I was worried about exactly how my blind embossing would work (since I was doing it over a solid printed surface.) But that was just me being paranoid and overly cautious-I could have just sailed through with the information/functions on your site. But it was nice to be able to get confirmation that I hadn’t screwed anything up! |
Q : A business card can hold a lot of different information, how did you determine what information to include, and what do you believe are the key components needed for a business card? |
A: That’s a good question. I still have clients who insist on putting a fax # on there when they haven’t used a fax in years! Old habits die hard, I guess. I kept mind simple-no title or extraneous information. I could have included a tag line or description of what I do and both my phone numbers, but I find that when I hand someone a card, I generally have laid a little groundwork, so I really only need to ensure they have my name, number, email and web site. I’ve actually left my address off cards in the past! But I like having a little more info on there than that-even if just for design reasons! |
Q : Any tips for our clients to consider when they are creating their business cards? |
A: Think about my comment above: what is the situation you’ll be in when you give it to someone, and what will they need the card to convey to them? In my case, the more intangible aspect of handing someone a card is that I want them to take it and go “ooooh”-and so far my blind embossed type on blue is doing that! Because I’m a designer, there has to be some designs-ness to it. But I want all my clients to get an “oooh” when they hand someone their card. That may not be triggered by something visual: a really clever tag line can have the same effect. Since cards are less a part of daily business life these days, if you’ve got one, it should be purposeful and special. |
Q : Any plans for your next business card? |
A: I actually want to do 3 more of this exact same card, but instead of cyan, I want to do magenta, yellow, and black! Am I a huge design dork or what? |